This is The Setup. A blog I host to talk about my setup to get hyped on music. I hope you'll follow along and maybe find something to add to yours so you get hyped as well.

My plan to get hyped involves a four-prong approach for now.

  1. Find new music Plenty of good stuff has been made in the last 5-10 years, but I need to figure out how to find it.
  2. Control my own music library. I'm getting off streaming services so some company can't decide for me wether I can play an album or not and I won't ever get the censored version of a track on accident.
  3. Buy music again. Kind of in combination with number 2, no streaming service pays artists enough. Also I think if the album costs something, it will have a bit more value to me.
  4. Have a nice setup to listen on that's fun to use. Bad headphones or laptop speakers make it hard for me to hear what's going on in a song.